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About MAB

You wanna know about me?  “Move along folks. Nothing here to see.”

Update:  Okay, I’ll give you a few tidbits.

International Relations major. Retired police detective. Script Supervisor for independent films. Now writer/filmmaker who likes to document oral histories and culture. Total sci-fi geek. Voracious reader. That enough?

  1. Dawn permalink

    Not true. I haven’t known you long, and don’t know you well, but you are a talented singer, videographer, and editor with a colorful past in law enforcement, movie production, and if memory serves me, stunts. You have a passion for truth, for God, and for your fellow man, and your mind is full of queries and answers – all well researched and well defended. I’m so glad to know you.

  2. Dawn, what a blessing you are to me. : )

  3. Laura Ingram Lemley permalink

    MaryAnn, I always enjoy what you write so much. As a fellow evangelical Christian, you do all those committed to a clear-eyed, biblical, intellectually rigorous perspective on the world and politics, proud. As my last sentence reveals, I am a thinker but not a writer yet I’m thankful you are a writer and can represent many of the things I’m thinking in a much more coherent form!

  4. Laura, there is one thing that I am certain has not changed since our college days: whether you can write long expositions or not, you have an amazing heart. I’ll trade you a little writing for some of that. ; ) But, of course, that’s why Christ said we are the body and we are many parts. Put us together and see what God will do with us! : )

  5. Dennis Clark permalink

    Enjoyed your religious freedom entry. Well done.

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